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I am honored to be included

in this documentary.

I have attended a few screenings with

live audiences and will be posting

about events

related to the documentary.​​


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My GLLU Story

I joined Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos (GLLU) in late 1983. I met Geneva and Laura (also featured in the documentary) at the First National Lesbians of Color Conference that September. They were active in GLLU, spoke highly of the group and I ended up joining. Together, along with Laura, Geneva, Irene and Vicky, we also energized GLLU's Lesbian Task Force which became Lesbinas Unidas. I served as GLLU President for two years between 1988 through the end of 1990. I detail my time in GLLU in my memoir,  

L.A. Interchanges. 


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Business cards from 1989

Short Quote

"The mid-1980s, for me and other Brown queer activists in Los Angeles, was a time of great growth. In GLLU and LU, I found camaraderie and joy, and we found multiple ways to lay claim to our space in the world. Our work brought us to ball games, dances, retreats, parades, concerts, and anniversary dinners. We made ourselves known over a
diamond-vision screen, in newsletters, on the radio, and in photographs. And we found joy in celebrating ourselves and each other.

From p. 111 of L.A. Interchanges

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Interested in learning more about
Gay & Lesbian Latinos Unidos (GLLU) ?

Check out the new online GLLU Archive .

Here's a .pdf copy of the
1989 GLLU newsletter


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In the spirit of Radio GLLU, we launched
Radio QGLLU, an audio podcast in 2023.
I am a cohost.
We cover fascinating topics and
host interesting guests.
Each of our new and original episodes
is aired on KPFK in L.A,
but all the past shows are now available on a
new listening platform.


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